Thursday, January 17, 2019

Patient Acculturation

Todos los inmigrantes experimentan* aculturación en América. Latinos y inmigrantes pueden perder su identidad. Muchos latinos y chinos atraviesan asimilación. Mi cultura lo llama “white-washing” y no le gusta. Asumo que para los latinos es lo mismo. Es necesario para tratar pacientes latinos con su cultura en mente. Tratar a pacientes Latinos, ayuda a tratar en cómo se sienten cómodos.

I have done tons of research within the past on acculturation and how to deal with patients of various cultures. For instance, one of my biggest essays last semester was talking about the differences between patients in how they express pain. Hispanics would not express their pain to the doctor as they would see it as a sign of weakness and it would later force them to go out on medical leave from work. Being forced to leave work would lower the weekly income in the household and would potentially get that Hispanic fired from that workplace. Same with the Chinese when it comes to expressing pain as they don't like expressing signs of weakness.

This week of Medical Spanish only added more to the flames of me wanting to stay in this class and not only be able to achieve an "A," but also be able to use these newly learned skills in Honduras and in my future profession. I still don't understand what Profesora says in class sometimes but I am able to piece together some information. This class forces me to always stay on top of things and be focused one-hundred percent of the time I am in there.

*Note: to experience: experimentar

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